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Robert Ceberio
Founder and President
He is an accomplished Chief Executive Officer with a distinguished record of success in managing land use planning, economic development, and environmental issues. Bob was Executive Director of the New Jersey Meadowlands Commission for nine years and spent more than twenty-nine years in total at the Commission in various positions. Successfully work on the development of abandoned industrial sites by brokering agreements between owners and new developers of properties. Served as the Commission’s primary negotiator on these deals. Generated revenues of approximately $25 million for the agency. Led Commission staff in the creation of 12 redevelopment districts in the Meadowlands. Worked closely with all stakeholders to design and gain approval of a new Meadowlands District Master Plan, which was adopted in 2004 (first change in 34 years).
He has a proven track record and ability to work effectively with business and public leaders at the federal, state, regional and local levels to develop and implement a strong consensus for unified planning and economic development.

Matthew Ceberio
Executive Vice President
He is a professional planner in the state of New Jersey with planning certification through the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP). Matt worked at the Port Authority of NY & NJ for eleven years in the Real Estate Department. During his time at the PANYNJ, he was responsible for property acquisition associated with capital programs undertaken by the PANYNJ and PATH, assisting with the management of owner/tenant relocation activities associated with such projects and other special projects related to real estate, value and planning matters. His most significant projects included, the Access to the Region’s (ARC) Project, Goethals Bridge Replacement Project, Bayonne Bridge Navigational Clearance Project, PATH Harrison Station Replacement, various PATH substation replacement projects, PATH to Northeast Corridor Rail Link Station, the Midtown Bus Redevelopment Terminal Project and creation of a documented property acquisition and relocation guidelines to be used agency wide.
Prior to his time at the PANYNJ, Matt worked at several private engineering, architectural and planning firms focused on projects for both public and private clients with emphasis in land use and redevelopment planning for NJ municipalities, analyzing environmental impacts of public projects and site evaluations for U.S. and international developers and investors.